2020 is here. And the gravity of the decade and this moment in history seems to be weighing heavily on us as individuals and as a collective. The year feels momentous and many are hoping it marks a turning point in the direction of our mankind and our planet.
In the face of the ongoing climate change debate and the natural disasters happening all around us, we must act—and we must act now. We at V2G Clarity are going beyond ‘hoping’ and taking serious action this year. We owe it to ourselves, our planet, future generations, and the billions of plants and animals whose habitats are systematically being destroyed by climate change. Read on to find out what we’re doing and how you can join us.
Literally and figuratively, we have seen an unprecedented amount of physical fires and political unwillingness to take responsible action in the last few decades. This has allowed global warming to sneak by and intensify at an alarming rate, unhindered thanks to the inaction of inept and selfish politicians worldwide.
During this time, wildfires are just one of the natural phenomena that have worsened. When the Amazon rainforest caught fire last January, 906,000 hectares burned. Last July, 2.6 million hectares were turned to ash across the Siberian steppe. And this was just the beginning:
In her now world-renown speech at the Davos 2019 World Economic Forum, teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg said, “Act as if our house is on fire, because it is”. She cited the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report that states that we are less than 12 years away from the point of no return. With wildfires ravaging our planet and only worsening by the day, the time to take concrete action has never been more urgent.
Last year, the IPCC released a special report on the implications of 1.5°C of global warming, entitled Summary for Policymakers. This report was a collaboration of 91 key authors from 44 citizenships and 40 countries of residence, with contributions from 133 authors and over 6,000 cited references. The report also amassed 42,001 expert and government review comments.
Naomi Klein’s book, On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal, dives into the IPCC special report. Here is an excerpt adapted from her introduction and epilogue.
The report examined the implications of keeping the increase in planetary warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7°F). Given the worsening disasters we are already seeing with about 1°C of warming, it found that keeping temperatures below the 1.5°C threshold is humanity’s best chance of avoiding truly catastrophic unraveling.
Doing that would be extremely difficult. According to the UN World Meteorological Organization, we are on a path to warming the world by 3–5°C by the end of the century. To keep the warming below 1.5°C would require, the IPCC authors found, cutting global emissions approximately in half in a mere twelve years and getting to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Not just in one country but in every major economy. And because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has already dramatically surpassed safe levels, it would also require drawing a great deal of that down, whether through unproven and expensive carbon-capture technologies or the old-fashioned ways: by planting billions of trees and other carbon-sequestering vegetation.
Pulling off this high-speed pollution phaseout, the report establishes, is not possible with singular technocratic approaches like carbon taxes, though those tools must play a part. Rather, it requires deliberately and immediately changing how our societies produce energy, how we grow our food, how we move around, and how our buildings are constructed. What is needed, the report’s summary states in its first sentence, is ‘rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.’ The report examined the implications of keeping the increase in planetary warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7°F). Given the worsening disasters we are already seeing with about 1°C of warming, it found that keeping temperatures below the 1.5°C threshold is humanity’s best chance of avoiding truly catastrophic unraveling.
Naomi Klein
As abysmal as this all sounds, there is a way to help our planet. Klein spells it out clearly for us: we must take action into our own hands in both innovative and clear cut ways.
With the 12-year countdown to the point of no return in full effect, I as an individual and business owner decided to look into ways that we at V2G Clarity could expand our impact. That’s how I found the Eden Reforestation Projects. Eden is a non-profit with the clear goal of reestablishing natural landscapes that have been destroyed by deforestation. Eden works with villagers and communities in developing countries who are facing the extreme poverty that results from deforestation and losing the land that had sustained them for centuries.
Eden’s approach is to hire local villagers across the globe to replant their own forests, planting millions of trees every month. For as little as 10 cents per tree, Eden guarantees that they will plant, grow, and guard each tree to maturity. The result? A healthy and native forest and armies of trees to help combat global warming.
All of Eden’s work is funded by donations from individuals, groups, and eco-conscious businesses. Eden manages 82 project sites spread across Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nepal. As of this publication, they have planted over 250 million trees since their inception in 2004. Eden isn’t messing around: they endeavour to expand to many more countries, with the goal of planting billions of trees every month and “to offer a life-transforming wage to tens of thousands of villagers in countries where poverty is rampant”, according to their website.
The company’s videos speak for themselves and show the authenticity of the mission. Here, Eden’s founder and CEO Dr. Stephen Fitch highlights their 2019 achievements.
Dr. Stephen Fitch highlights Eden's 2019 achievements
By hiring local villagers, Eden is not only alleviating poverty but also confronting these major issues head-on:
Countries like Haiti have suffered from years of ecological devastation leading to crop failure, flooding, soil erosion, and food insecurity for the population. Now, thanks to Eden, farmers and families are receiving agroforestry trees (e.g. avocado, cacao, breadfruit, grapefruit, key lime, orange, and apricot) that will allow them to plant and provide food for their families.
One of Eden’s goals is for Haitians is to sell food from these trees as an additional source of income. In fact, 10% of the trees planted through Eden projects are agroforestry species to ensure food security for local communities.
But planting trees alone is not enough. With locals often at a loss for how to feed themselves and their families, they often turn to destroying their own forests. This makes guarding trees an immensely important element of Eden’s mission. Having a steady income allows Eden’s employees to afford medical care, pay off debt, start microenterprises, and more.
It’s one thing to plant a tree. But if you plant a tree and leave it, that tree most likely will not survive.
Jamie Shattenberg, International Director for Madagascar, explained in this powerful video
Think about the magnitude of this combination: alleviating poverty and mitigating climate change at the same time. This concept holds the potential to prevent waves of climate refugees fleeing their home countries due to economic despair and uninhabitable lands.
As Naomi Klein stated in her book:
This is a crisis overwhelmingly created by the wealthiest strata of society: almost 50 percent of global emissions are produced by the richest 10 percent of the world’s population; the wealthiest 20 percent are responsible for 70 percent. But the impacts of those emissions are hurting the poorest first and worst, forcing growing numbers of people to move, with many more on the way. A 2018 World Bank study estimates that by 2050, more than 140 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America will be displaced because of climate stresses, an estimate many consider conservative.
Naomi Klein in "On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal"
We believe that the Eden Reforestation Projects provides a sound and equitable solution to this concerning trend. Take a look at their 2018 Annual Report (2019 Annual Report coming up soon) to see how the donations were used to foster success stories around the globe.
Since the launch of V2G Clarity in 2016, our steadfast mission has been to help bring convenient, secure, and user-friendly electric vehicle charging to a global audience. We see ourselves as an integral part of the electric vehicle ecosystem. Our role is to support EV manufacturers, charging infrastructure operators, and our colleagues in associated services industries. What drives us is the vision that one day, there will be no more fossil-fuelled cars allowed on the streets. And eventually, there will be electric airplanes too! Undoubtedly, we have a long way to go. But we hope that our work as a company and collectively in the EV-community is paving the way to make this future into a reality.
Recently, we realised that being one of the forefront educational resources in the industry isn’t enough. To maximise our impact, we decided to partner with Eden Reforestation Projects to support their work worldwide. As of January 2020, V2G Clarity has signed a Memorandum of Understanding stating that we will donate 5% of all monthly net income to the Eden Reforestation Projects. This will come from all income-generating activities, including sales of the ISO 15118 Manual, online courses, live trainings, consulting, or future software and hardware products currently in our pipeline.
This action means the V2G Clarity community will collectively make an even bigger impact on carbon emissions worldwide. We will combine planting trees with all of our hard engineering work to bring electric vehicles to a wider audience around the globe.
Are you interested in joining this mission? Your company, too, can sign up for a partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects. Together, we can make our impact that much greater.
Unfortunately, we cannot rely on our governments to do the right thing. This is something we have witnessed throughout 2019 and, in all honesty, for the last many decades. Despite the wake-up call of the Fridays for Future movement, initiated by Greta Thunberg, we still see the majority of governments failing to execute.
In the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, we as a global collective committed to heavily reduce CO2 emissions and reach the 1.5°C goal. Yet, there are still many disappointing examples of political unwillingness to act on behalf of the planet, such as (but not limited to):
In the face of the global pandemic of wildfires and other international environmental disasters—mixed with the political ineptitude in taking any rational action—it has never been more important for us to take individual and community-wide action. Perhaps you can join together with others in your company or organization to figure out some massive action that you can take. After all, it is within the collective that the true power lies.
Whether you join me by donating to Eden Reforestation Projects or find other ways of making a meaningful impact, it’s up to you. Either way: the time is now. Please, make a point to take tangible action today. And please share this article with your peers.
Switch CEO and founder Marc Mültin tells us how his passion for protecting the environment led him to support the Eden Reforestation Projects not once but twice.
Did you make it to Shanghai this April 19th and 20th? Hundreds of top EV engineers and programmers descended on the 8th International CCS & ISO/IEC 15118 Testing Symposium. These important industry events aim to increase the interoperability of charging…
Case Study
Learn how Switch helps you be compliant with UK Public Charging regulations
Josev packages the full, battle-tested and certified versions of OCPP 2.0.1 and ISO 15118. It lets you easily upgrade your hardware without implementing the standardised protocol stacks yourself. If you want to try Josev for free and see how it can help your business you can learn more about our trial program here: https://www.switch-ev.com/josev/try-before-you-buy.
ISO 15118-20
ISO 15118
OCPP 2.0.1
Plug & Charge
NEVI is a major boost for EV charging in the USA. Here's how it works, who can benefit and how Switch helps you qualify.
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118-20
Autocharge offers convenience – but at what cost? Its downsides cannot be ignored.
ISO 15118
Data security
Plug & Charge
The App Store makes it easy for you to add value-added service layers to your core offering. Just add the stuff you want and drop anything you don’t: A couple clicks and voila you’re good to go! For example, if you want to make more money from your network, you can easily integrate with one of our roaming hubs like Hubject or GIREVE to make your network visible to millions of drivers.
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
Switch now integrates with Hubject, Europe's biggest EV roaming hub. This means you can open your network to millions of drivers with a click.
ISO 15118
OCPP 2.0.1
Plug & Charge
Testing is essential to creating a functional EV charging experience. More than that, testing with real cars and chargers tell us some vital about the future of EV charging.
ISO 15118
Plug & Charge
Broken EV chargers are a major hurdle to mass adoption. But what exactly is the issue? Heres what’s causing the problem — and how we can solve it.
OCPP 2.0.1
ISO 15118
In June 2023, Josev, our embedded charger software solution, achieved a major milestone. It was certified by Dekra Laboratories and the Open Charge Alliance (OCA) as OCPP 2.0.1 compliant. This certification is a big deal since it guarantees that both the Switch platform and Josev meet the highest (and latest) standards in EV charging. The OCA splits its OCPP 2.0.1 testing into two buckets: 1) Core functionality and 2) Advanced security
OCPP 2.0.1
Switch is one of 11 companies worldwide to receive the prestigious OCPP 2.0.1 certification. This places us at the forefront of EV charging solutions, making Switch the sole provider supporting Plug & Charge. Switch removes all limitations and constraints, allowing businesses to confidently embrace the future of EV charging. Our system paves the way for a sustainable and scalable charging infrastructure that meets the growing needs of electric vehicles.
OCPP 2.0.1
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge
The Switch platform helps you build better EV charging networks and brings real market value that benefits you and your customers, giving you a competitive advantage.
OCPP 2.0.1
Plug & Charge
Advanced uptime diagnostics
All this means that you get a superior product packed with vital advanced next-generation capabilities for businesses who want to leverage their EV charging networks, generate and diversify their revenue portfolio and create a seamless charging experience for the end customer. NOW for some exciting news!
ISO 15118
In episode six of our webinar series 'Make the Switch: the benefits of partnering with Switch' we share our expertise and insights in building game-changing tech for EV charging to a global audience, who joined us from the US, Canada, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge
Seamless charging
Both the telecoms and EV charging industries have experienced rapid and continuous innovation and technological change, moving from the niche to the masses.
ISO 15118
Josev Community
Open source
Plug & Charge
How Switch is opening the door to advanced EV charging capabilities
ISO 15118
Plug & Charge
OCPP 2.0.1
Have you ever wondered how to take your fleet into an electrified future? Learn from industry experts of Switch and Nuvve how remote diagnostics, charging infrastructure and software platforms will help you electrify your fleet with ease. In episode 5 of our free Switch webinar series, you learn how Switch and Nuvve support the switch to EVs on a commercial scale. Study the differences between V2H (vehicle-to-home), V2B (vehicle-to-building/business), V2L (vehicle-to-load) and V2G (vehicle-to-grid) and get an idea of the business potential of the supported use cases.
This is episode 4 of our free Switch webinar series, where you will learn how our design-led approach helped to create the Switch platform: our game-changing software solution that future-proofs EV chargers. In this episode we covered: the importance of user feedback in designing our customer-focused product, how rapid front-end prototyping helped us explore vital next-step questions and the challenges and solutions of recruiting users for research.
ISO 15118
Learn the key concepts across all communication layers of this future-proof technology so you can actively shape this thriving e-mobility market with your innovative and interoperable EV charging products.
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge
Our founder and CEO, Marc Mültin, talks about Josev Community, our new, free-to-all open source implementation of ISO 15118, and why it’s so important to us and the electric vehicle (EV) charging industry.
ISO 15118-20
ISO 15118-2
Josev Community
Switch CEO and founder Marc Mültin tells us how his passion for protecting the environment led him to support the Eden Reforestation Projects not once but twice.
Welcome to our recurring industry smart-up for the EV charging sector. Episode two of our webinar series shines a light on 'What’s new in ISO 15118-20'. Our Switch engineers André and Shalin joined CEO Marc Mültin to discuss the new features introduced with ISO 15118-20.
ISO 15118-20
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118
Welcome to our recurring industry smart-up for the EV charging sector. In episode one, our engineers Hugo and Chad joined CEO Marc Mültin to shed light on the key benefits of OCPP 2.0.1 over OCPP 1.6, specifically the new and powerful device management functionality, also known as “Device Model”
OCPP 2.0.1
Want to be a frontrunner for EV charging? Here are the four key ingredients for a thriving e-mobility ecosystem: (1) Customer convenience (2) Smart charging (3) Cyber security (4) Digital services. The Switch system has the capabilities to deliver the EV charging of tomorrow, future-proofing you and your business. Read our blog post for the full story.
Plug & Charge
ISO 15118
Advanced uptime diagnostics
In this article, you’ll get a short overview of the currently available charging standards, we’ll talk about the one with the biggest chances of success, and explain why it’s so important to bring mature software solutions to market. I’ll let you in on the biggest hurdles we’re currently facing and also present to you a solution called JOSEV that will help us get there quicker. Oh, and for those who wonder where Tesla might be headed regarding ISO 15118, I have some news for you, too.
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge
As part of the Combined Charging System (CCS), ISO 15118 is a communication protocol covering all use cases for charging electric vehicles across the globe.
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-2
ISO 15118-20
ISO 15118-3
Switch, a UK software company, is eliminating poor user experience that is growing exponentially across public electric vehicle charging networks because multiple devices are operating with many different standards. The company is creating the first open source operating system that can be used by every device, eliminating all complexity for charger manufacturers and facilitating interoperability within the e-mobility market.
Seamless charging
Plug & Charge
An in-depth discussion on the ISO 15118 ecosystem with industry leaders who represent seven stakeholders from throughout the electric vehicle industry.
ISO 15118
Plug & Charge
The AMA webinar will take place in November 2021 (exact date coming soon) and will be recorded.The details on how to register for and participate at the webinar will follow soon.
Today, I have an exciting announcement that I've been wanting to share with you for weeks.Five years ago, I started as a freelancing e-mobility consultant specialising in future-proof communication standards. This was to help companies around the globe better understand ISO 15118, in order to bring the user-friendly and seamless Plug & Charge experience to market.
Open source
Take a deep dive into the topic of secure charging communication with the user-convenient Plug & Charge feature of ISO 15118. We’ll focus on the certificate concept, necessary public-key infrastructures, encrypted communication via TLS, and XML-based signatures.
ISO 15118-2
Plug & Charge
Learn the key concepts across all communication layers of this future-proof technology so you can actively shape this thriving e-mobility market with your innovative and interoperable EV charging products.
ISO 15118-2
Plug & Charge
Plug & Charge is a technological concept initially introduced by the ISO 15118. It enables the today's most user-convenient and secure way of charging EVs.
Plug & Charge
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
A webinar hosted by Newcastle University covering many topics related to ISO 15118 and its development (the ecosystem, V2G, smart charging, cyber-security)
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
V2G Clarity’s compliance Testing-as-a-Service for OCPP 2.0.1 is being offered alongside comemso’s testing suite for 15118 compliance tests
ISO 15118
OCPP 2.0.1
V2G Clarity’s compliance Testing-as-a-Service for OCPP 2.0.1 is being offered alongside comemso’s testing suite for 15118 compliance tests
Learn how various e-mobility market players (e.g. EV OEMs, CPOs, MSPs) need to collaborate in order to bring ISO 15118’s Plug & Charge ecosystem to life.
Calibration law
ISO 15118
Learn about the new features of ISO 15118-20, which include bidirectional power transfer (V2G), wireless power transfer, enforced data security, and more.
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
This white paper addresses existing calibration law regulations (“Eichrecht”) and ways to facilitate a transparent and tamper-proof billing process for EVs.
Data security
Calibration law
Take action now to combat climate change – Join efforts to fund reforestation projects worldwide and make a lasting impact for our and future generations
Auto motor und sport's podcast "Moove" with an episode on ISO 15118: "Geld verdienen mit dem Akku des E-Auto – geht das?" (in German).
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
Data security
Plug & Charge
This article shows you how a first-tier supplier for the automotive industry uses RISE V2G to test ISO 15118 on EV on-board chargers (videos included).
Explore the differences between Autocharge and ISO 15118’s Plug & Charge in an extensive report. Both approaches differ in security, complexity, and implementation costs.
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-2
Data security
Plug & Charge
Seamless charging
An electric vehicle is capable of both recharging its battery and feeding energy back into the grid. This feature is referred to as vehicle-to-grid (V2G).
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-2
Imagine your electric vehicle being more than just a means of transportation from point A to point B. What if it could be part of a green energy revolution — a new trend that emerges from the ever-growing number of…
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
Seamless charging
This free, one-hour keynote speech on “Secure and User-Convenient Charging With ISO 15118” is your perfect jumpstart to learn about the EV charging standard
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
Plug & Charge
Did you know that the ISO 15118 communication standard currently consists of eight different parts? It can be overwhelming to work with this complex and future-proof technology due to the vast amount of charging-related use cases the standard covers. The…
ISO 15118
ISO 15118-20
That annual feeling is upon us: goal setting and resolutions sweep the public discourse and flood social media, as they do every January. But what if we made collective, societal goals? After spending a decade in the electric mobility industry,…
Open source
Advanced uptime diagnostics
We are relatively early in developing an industry that many hope will completely overhaul the current transportation ecosystem worldwide. This means there is an opportunity at every turn to mold the future of our slowly but surely interconnecting world of…
Open source
ISO 15118
Data security
When new technology enters the market, we – as a community of experts – need to make sure that each implementation is working according to international specifications. The interoperability of ISO 15118-related charging solutions is key for user acceptance and…
Data security
Seamless charging
Did you make it to Shanghai this April 19th and 20th? Hundreds of top EV engineers and programmers descended on the 8th International CCS & ISO/IEC 15118 Testing Symposium. These important industry events aim to increase the interoperability of charging…
Data security
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
It’s that time again. Twice a year, e-mobility giants and industry cohorts come together with one purpose: to make sure their electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations conform to the ISO 15118 standard, guaranteeing a future-proof, secure, and user-convenient way…
Seamless charging
ISO 15118
RFID card technology is not working. Sure, it is the most widely used tool to charge electric vehicles but, at the same time, unsecure RFID cards put both vehicles and drivers at incredible risk to hackers. Electric vehicle charging stations…
OCPP 2.0.1
Data security
ISO 15118
A common question I receive from the EV community is whether there is a difference between ISO 15118 and DIN SPEC 70121. The answer tends to leave many of you quite surprised. This is an essential distinction to understand in order…
ISO 15118
Data security
Plug & Charge
Seamless charging
We all know that the rise of e-mobility closely links to a charging infrastructure which is readily available, reliable, and sufficient regarding the number of charging stations installed. These are the primary concerns of those who asses for themselves if…
Data security
ISO 15118
Josev Community
Plug & Charge
What do you do if you are working on an ISO 15118 implementation, be it for an electric vehicle (EV) or a charging station, and want to make sure that it is a) interoperable with other implementations in the market…
ISO 15118
I am proud to finally announce version 1.0 of RISE V2G – the only complete open source reference implementation of the smart charging communication standard ISO 15118. ALL GOOD THINGS ARE WORTH WAITING FOR I have been tirelessly working the past couple of weeks…
ISO 15118
Josev Community
Plug & Charge
Time has come again for another international testing symposium, formally known as the 6th International ISO/IEC 15118 Interoperability and Conformance Testing Symposium. This time it will be held in Versailles, France, from June 22nd to June 23rd, at VEDECOM. FIVE…
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
In one of my previous articles called “The Charging Stations’ Backend Protocol OCPP Will Develop – through OASIS and IEC“, I introduced you to a new standardization initiative. This initiative aims at internationally standardizing the communication interface between a charging station…
Data security
Open source
ISO 15118
Seamless charging
The ISO/IEC 15118 Testing Symposium initiative now invites you to the “5th International ISO/IEC 15118 Interoperability and Conformance Testing Symposium”, which will be held on 10 and 11 November in South Korea on the island of Jeju-do. Host of the…
ISO 15118
Plug & Charge
Seamless charging
The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), launched by the Open Charge Alliance, an industry alliance of public and private charging infrastructure providers, is the most widely used communications protocol between charging infrastructure and charging operators. Its further development will now take…
OCPP 2.0.1